Teaching Qualifications in Taiwan

Teaching qualifications

In Taiwan, teaching qualifications are governed by the Ministry of Education, while the Ministry of Labor is responsible for issuing work permits to foreigners.

To obtain a work permit to teach in Taiwan, you must:

  1. Be a college or university graduate – diplomas need to be authenticated by the Taipei Economical and Cultural Office (TECO) in your country of origin.
  2. Have teaching qualifications, such as a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or TEFL certificate – all transcripts should be provided;
  3. Be at least 20 years of age or older;
  4. Be a native speaker of the language you will teach (exceptions applied for APRC or JFRV holders);
  5. Obtain a medical certificate signed by a doctor – requirements to be confirmed by the employer; and
  6. Obtain a certified criminal record check from your country of origin – authenticated by TECO.

Foreigner teachers employed as English teachers in Taiwan are often assisted by employers in obtaining the required work permit and resident visa (ARC). It is important to know beforehand what assistance your employer will provide to avoid legal problems during your stay. See “Visa matters” for information on obtaining a resident visa.

  •  Holders of a university degree who intend to teach in a cram school (buxiban) are not required to have teaching qualifications, but must meet all other requirements (3 to 6) listed above.
  • TESOL (Teaching English as Second Language) and TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) certificates are also recommended, but do not substitute for a university degree or college diploma.
  • Foreigner teachers MUST check how to obtain a criminal record AT their country of origin BEFORE coming to Taiwan.